(ABC) Board of Directors decisions

اجتماع مجلس ادارة الاتحاد العربي لكرة السلة بالقاهرة :

مطلوب تفعيل المشاركة في البطولات وخاصة المنتخبات وسعداء بادراج اندية الرجال في الأجندة الدولية

استهل اللواء م اسماعيل القرقاوي رئيس الاتحادين العربي والاماراتي لكرة السلة اجتماع مجلس إدارة الاتحاد الذي عقد يوم امس في القاهرة بكلمة اكد في بدايتها على ضرورة تطوير منظومة العمل وتفعيل مشاركة الدول الأعضاء في البطولات العربية وخاصة في بطولة منتخبات السيدات وبطولات الناشئين أسوة بباقي المسابقات وخاصة الاندية ٠ واثنى القرقاوي على الجهود الكبيرة التي تقوم بها الامانة العامة بقيادة العميد عبدالله شلبي الامين العام وقدم الشكر للاتحادات العربية على تعاونها وحرصها على دعم وتطوير كرة السلة العربية ٠وقبل اطلاع المجلس على تقرير الامين العام وقف رئيس وأعضاء الاتحاد دقيقة حداد على وفاة مدير عام الاتحاد السابق زكي احمد شريف حيث اثنى ألمجتمعون على الجهود الكبيرة التي بذلها خلال عمله بالاتحــاد متضرعين للمولى عز وجل أن يرحمه وان يسكنه فسيح جناته .

بعد ذلك عرض الامين العام التقرير الفني عن العام المنصرم والذي تضمن تفصيلي عما تم في اجتماع الجمعية العمومية للاتحاد العربي رقم ٢٢ والذي عقد في دبي بتاريخ ١٦ فبراير عام ٢٠٢٢ وكذلك محضر ٢٣ خلال الإجماع الذي عقد في اليوم التالي وما واكبهما من انتخاب مجلس ادارة جديد برئاسة اللواء اسماعيل القرقاوي ٠ كذلك تضمن التقرير عرض للبطولات التي نظمها الاتحاد بداية ببطولة منتخبات الرجال بالإمارات والتي فاز لبنان بلقبها مرورا ببطولة الشباب بالقاهرة وفاز بها المنتخب المصري وبطولة اندية السيدات وفاز بها فريق بيروت اللبناني بمشاركة احدى عشر فريقا واخيرا بطولة اندية الرجال في الكويت بمشاركة ستة عشر فريقا وفاز بها نادي الكويت فيما حل الاهلي المصري بالمركز الثاني .

وبسب قوة وجماهيرية البطولة قرر الاتحاد الدولي ضمها للاجندة الدوليةحيث عبر رئيس وأعضاء الاتحاد عن سعادتهم بهذا القرار الدولي٠ وبعد الانتهاء من التقرير تقدم عضو المجلس رابح بوعريفي باقتراح بزيادة الاشتراكات كما اقترح الدكتور مجدي ابو فريخة نائب رئيس الاتحاد باعتماد ثلاث مستويات اثناء استضافة البطولات أولى وثانية وثالثة واثنى المجلس على الأداء المالي وتطوير المنظومة المالية والعمل على توفير الميزانية وزياده إيرادات الاتحاد حيث تبين وجود فائض في الموازنة وارتفاع الإيرادات مقارنة بالمصروفات بعد ذلك اعتمد المجلس الحساب الختامي المقدم من ايمن سالم المدير المالي

The Meeting was held on Saturday 09/10/2021 12:00 PM at Arab Republic of Egypt – Alexandria, with the presidency of Major-General / Ismail Abdalla Elkarakawy – the Arab Basketball Confederation’s President.

Major-General / Ismail Abdalla Elkrakawy – the Arab Basketball Confederation’s President opened the session by greeting Mr. Seoud Ben Aly Alabdaziz the General Secretary of Arab National Olympic Committees Union and greeting Egypt for the October’s Ceremonies then he thanked Alexandria Itehad Club Board and the organizing committee for the good organizing and hospitality of the 33rd Arab Club Championship for men, also he thanked the Egyptian Basketball Federation and its President Dr. / Magdi Abo Frekha. He congratulated the Tunisian University and its President Mr. / Aly Albenzerty for winning the African Championship for the third time consequently and being qualified for the World Championship. Also, he congratulated the Egyptian basketball Federation and its President Dr. / Magdi Abo Frekha for the winning of U18 Women national team and U16 men national team of African Championship and being qualified for the World Cup.

He thanked ABC General Secretariat for its unique work during this year then he thanked Mr. / Rashid AlAmiry the manager of Dubai Sports Channels as he allowed many of the Arab Sports Channels to broadcast the activities of 33rd Arab Club Championship for men free of charge.

Mr. / Seoud Ben Aly Alabdaziz the General Secretary of Arab National Olympic Committees Union spoke and praised the distinguished work of ABC and its President Major-General / Ismail Elkarakawy especially during Covid-19 period and he expressed the greetings of Prince/ Telal Ben Badr Ben Seoud Ben Abdelaziz the President of Arab Sports Federations to the ABC Board and he praised the fruitful collaboration between the National Olympic Committees Union.

They agreed on the following decisions:

1- Approve the minutes ,of the (Zoom) meeting no (20).

2- Re-activate the Board decision no. (19) dated 30/10/2019 held in Morocco – Rabat – concerning the fees of Arab Championships.

3- The attendees read the ABC General Secretariat’s report about what have been implemented during year 2021.

4- The attendees agreed to approve the expenditures and revenues of ABC from 01/01/2021 , , till 30/07/2021.

5- They delegated the President of the Confederation and the General Secretary to decide the plan of 2022 and select the organizing bodies and its timing.

6- It was agreed to hold the new Board elections after the end of the current Board term; during the Arab National Teams Championship, February 2022.

7- Approve the increase of the number of foreign players in Men Club Championship to be three foreign players, at least one of them should be Arabic and only two in the court at the same time.

8- Increase the fee of one foreign player participation.



Arab Basketball Confederation in its zoom meeting dated Saturday 5 December 2020 chaired by the President of Arab Basketball Confederation and Emirates Basketball Federation Major-General / Ismail Elkarakawy approved the championships of season 2020/2021; the first one of them is national teams of men championships which will be hosted by Emirates and its date was amended from the last third of next January to be in the first week of February because the Confederation is keen of the direct entry of the Arab national teams to the Regional Qualification and the women national teams championships, Club Championships for both men and women and U16 men and women championships. The Board delegated Major-General / Ismail Elkarakawy and the General Secretary / Abdalla Shalaby to determine places and dates of the championships. Also, the Board approved the presented report from the General Secretariat about the Confederation’s activity during season 2020 in addition to the issuance of Arab Basketball Magazine which includes four axes: the beginning of the establishment of the Arab Confederation, the forms of the Boards from the establishment till now, all the results of the championships and competitions and the fourth axe is the activity and achievements of the current Board since 2015 till 2021; the report includes the updating of the Confederation’s electronic archives and having a backup edition to reserve it. Concerning the rest of the decision, the Board decided to cancel the organizing fees to relieve the burdens of the federations organizing the championships which have been affected by Covid-19; such decision left a great satisfaction among these federations. They decided to submit a report to Arab Olympic Committees Union about the Arab Confederation’s activity during the current year and implement its programs to hold six different clinics in officiating, organization, training, statistics, juniors and 3x3 despite the pandemic of Covid-19 all over the world. The Board members opened the session by congratulating Major-General / Ismail Elkarakawy for his winning of the presidency of the Confederation by acclamation and his success for managing the Confederation for the sixth term consequently; also congratulated Aly Benzerty the President of Tunisia University for the new form and the Bahrain and Syrian Federations. Elkarakawy spoke at the beginning of the meeting praising the effort of Arab Confederation’s General Secretariat and the good preparation of all clinics which have been held during the current year and the success of implementing the programs despite the Corona virus in the contrary of other Arab Federations which stopped their activities as a result of such hard circumstances. Elkarakawy praised the new logo of the Confederation which was presented from Dr. Mounir Ben Habib the technical manager of the President office and he assured his support to all organizing countries for the upcoming Events and facilitate all the possibilities for the success of such Events. General/Abdalla Shalaby praised the success of the previous six clinics organized by the Confederation during the current year saying that the General Secretariat prepared a complete video to document these clinics to be as a reference to all member federations to make use of them. When he was asked about the countries presented to host the next six Events, he said that National Team for men Championship will be held in Emirates at the beginning of February while three clubs requested to host the Club Championship as follow: Alexandria Itihad Club, Alradsy Tunisian Club and Babel (Lebanon) while Nadia Elfahis Club (Jordan) and Heliopolis Club (Egypt) requested to organize the women championship; U16 men and women Championships would by hosted by Egyptian Federation.

  • - Major- General / Ismail Elkarakawy opened the session by a greeting speech for the attendees and thanked them for their positive interaction with the General Secretariat which was reflected on the good image of ABC.
  • He congratulated the Tunisian University of Basketball and Jordan Basketball Federation for their national teams of men performance in the World Championship 2019 – China and he wished the increase of national teams’ numbers in the next times.
  • He congratulated Ms. / Nada Askar for becoming Vice-President of ABC and Ms. / Fairoz Deeb (Algeria) for becoming ABC Board’s Member; he wished luck for both of them and the development of Arab women basketball.
  • He thanked the ABC General Secretariat for their efforts and the good implementing of year 2019 agenda and for their continuous work to develop ABC.
  • Approve the Minutes of the ABC Board Meeting No. (18) dated 16/11/2018 which was held in Egypt – Cairo.
  • The General Secretary presented a report of ABC success in basketball during the period from November 2018 to October 2019.  .
  • The Board decided to assign the following Championships:
  • Arab National Team for men to Tunisian University of basketball.
  • The 33rd Arab Clubs Championship for men and 3x3 Championship for the same category to ElRefaa Club (Bahrain).
  • The 22nd Arab Clubs Championship for women to Traffic Police Sports Club (Tunisia).
  • Arab National Teams U18 for men and 3x3 Championship to Saudi Basketball Federation.
  • Approve the return of Syria Basketball Federation to participate in ABC’ activities from the season 2020 for the interest of the Arab basketball and to have the Syrian players in the Arab sports competition field.

Approve the new logo of ABC which is:

  • Half basketball in orange color inside an oval frame in green written inside it ,
    with black color the name of the Confederation in Arabic in the above area and in the bottom area the date of establishment of the Confederation (1956).
  • Above the half basketball, the Confederation’s name is written in English and its three letters abbreviation with white background.